With most zipper repairs, it comes down to being able to diagnose the repair and having the correct part, if it can be fixed. Today we are going to look at some common zipper problems.

Here, the plastic around the male pin at the bottom of the zipper has completely worn away. The zipper pin will thread into the slider for a while, but it will become more and more difficult as time goes on. This cannot be fixed. The zipper must be replaced.

This zipper slider is bent. Even a very slight amount of bending will affect the meshing of the zipper when you zip it. If the zipper itself is not damaged, a new slider of the correct type can replace the bent one. {sidenote – squeezing the zipper with pliers to “fix” it is a stopgap measure only}

The grab tab on the zipper pull has broken off. This also can be fixed by replacing the slider with an intact slider of the correct type.

Here, the male pin has popped off the tape of a waterproof zipper. This cannot be repaired and requires a zipper replacement.

This zipper slider shows classic signs of wear. Notice the very slight bending and the worn outer “corners”. It is very likely that the zipper was not zipping; not staying together when zipped. This is an easy fix with a new zipper slider of the correct type.

Here, the box has broken off the bottom of a separating jacket zipper.
It is supposed to look like this.
This is not repairable. The whole zipper must be replaced.

Missing tooth on a vislon (tooth) zipper.
This is not repairable and requires a whole new zipper.

Missing tooth on a waterproof vislon zipper.
This is not repairable and requires a whole new zipper.
That’s all for today. I will keep taking photos of zipper problems and post Part 2 later.